#60….You Know You’re Reaching “Fine” Wine Status When….

Rob & Kim 1 ThanksgivingI finally went to the optometrist to have my eyes checked.  I’ve needed to get it done for some time, but when it seems like your whole life revolves around one doctor’s appointment after another, the optometrist is one of those appointments that gets put on the back burner.  Apparently I had left it on the back burner to simmer a little longer than I had thought, because when the doctor got out my chart he informed me it has been 4 years since my last exam.

He of course asked me if I had any noticeable changes in my eyesight lately.  I said “Let’s see, if putting my glasses on top of my head to read, or if I am in public trying to read underneath my glasses makes up any changes, then you will have to check a big old X in that box”.

He looked at me closely and inquired if my glasses were the same ones that I had worn 4 years ago because they looked brand new.  I proudly told him yes they were.  He was not as impressed that my glasses were in such great shape after 4 years of wear and tear, but rather that I was still able to see.  He reminded me that he had specifically told me the last time that I saw him that I needed to get “transitional” lenses!

I tried explaining to him that 4 years ago when he made that suggestion, I was not quite ready to “transition” into embracing the sentiment that I was getting old.  When the doctor asked me why I was willing to get them now I was able to give him a valid explanation.  Since I have had these last 4 years to process the information (and I am about to turn 50), it has allowed me to come to terms with the knowledge that I am getting old whether I like it or not.  This turn of events has brought me to a point in my life where I am now able to go ahead with the purchase of “transitional” lenses.  My one consolation was that the doctor wouldn’t believe that I was turning 50, and he could even see.  BONUS!!!! 😀

Maybe with better vision my driving will vastly improve.  I won’t have to worry about my hubby having a heart attack or stroke while riding shot-gun.  He won’t be white-knuckling the dash-board while stomping on the floor-board, praying somehow a brake-pad will miraculously appear over on his side.  It never seems to bother or stress me out when I’m driving, but he always gets so nervous.

I’m afraid I will miss my old lenses though.  Everything has been in “soft” focus while looking through them.  Now that I will have fantastic vision I will be able to see every grey hair, and every new wrinkle that is sure to develop.  That will really suck! 😦

Maybe “bi-focals” or “transitional” lenses or whatever they are called now, won’t be so bad after all.  It seems in life one is always in some sort of “transitional” phase.  The hope of all this change is that we will eventually come out better and stronger in the end.

Written by Kim Carlisle

2 thoughts on “#60….You Know You’re Reaching “Fine” Wine Status When….

  1. Oh Kim, I so hear you! The whole turning 50 thing…Funny, I just went to get my eyes checked because I cannot read a THING without readers but shockingly enough, I am still 20/20 and only need the readers! I made sure they hadn’t made a mistake. LOL. Just spend less time in front of the mirror which is what I do now. 🙂 Feliz Navidad!

  2. That’s funny. The doctor told me with my new specs, I will actually see better than 20/20. So I will be sure to avoid mirrors! 😉 Hope you guys have a wonderful Holiday season also. Kim

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