Post #1….How To Make A Disastrous Impression On A First Date !

Hiking the tetons    My husband and I have been married for over 23 years now, and as I look back, it’s a wonder we ever did get together in the first place!  I think the secret to our relationship lasting this long is because we truly are best friends, and I have a great respect for the person he is, but I digress….

When we first met, I thought that he was a very nice guy, but not my type.  We were totally opposite from one another, but became friends and started doing a few things together.  He invited me to drive up to watch the hot air balloon races near the Grand Tetons in Wyoming.  For those of you who ski, I am sure that you have heard of the Grand Teton mountains, for those of you who don’t ski, they are really, really big mountains.

We got up super early ( I mean really, really early ), drove up, saw the hot air balloons, and then enjoyed the picnic lunch that I had packed.  We were ready to call it a day and head home, when he said a friend of his had told him about a really beautiful walk around a trail near there, and that it would only take a few minutes.  I told him I thought that would be nice, and also give us a chance to stretch our legs before the long drive home.

As we suddenly found ourselves clawing up the side of the mountain, and I saw a sign that read….”Danger, cliff area” , there seemed to be some small, subtle clue that something had gone awry.  I posed a small question to him asking if we were lost.  Now as you know there is not a man I have found yet that likes to give you a straight answer to that question.  His answer was pretty much the same, as he explained to me that we might have missed a small trail, but if we just kept on going we would get there.

I wasn’t quite sure where “there” was, as we seemed to be headed all the way to the top of the mountain.  Our initial “walk” was just supposed to be around a trail that looped “horizontally”, not “vertically”.  We eventually completed our vertical climb ( notice that I said “climb”, not “walk” ), and were standing on the top of the mountain.  He was gushing over the gorgeous view, while I was just gushing with sweat pouring down everywhere.  My fingernails were all broken, I was filthy dirty, and I am quite sure that the view of me was not quite as impressive.

Nevertheless, he assured me that there was “good news”.  Since we had made it all the way to the top of the mountain, we could just ride the ski lift down.  I was ecstatic!  I did not want to make that trek all the way back down.  We got in line with the rest of the other people to ride the lift down, when the guy asked us for our “ticket”.  Apparently to ride the ski lift down, you have to sign a form at the bottom of the hill and ride it up.  I will give you just one guess on how we got back down!

I can tell you by the time we got down, and back into the car, I was thinking definitely not even “potential” boyfriend material.  It was a very long ride home, and at first very silent.  Then we finally started talking, and found out that we had similar values, dreams, and goals.  I thought maybe he wasn’t quite so bad after all, and anyone can make one small simple mistake.  I thought I would give him a second chance, so when he called to take me out to dinner and a show, I said sure.  Little then did I know what was in store for me on date two…..

by Kim Carlisle

4 thoughts on “Post #1….How To Make A Disastrous Impression On A First Date !

  1. Kim, I love your posts…they are so funny. You have such a wonderful sence of humor…I can see why Rob was attracted to you. When you talked about the Tetons, it brought back memories…My sister had a wonderful view of the Grand Tetons out of her picture window. They are beautiful. She lived in St. Anthony, Idaho. They were on a branch of the snake river with the Tetons on beyoud that. We had so much fun when we went out to see her. There was so much to do, we took a raft ride down the river (and saw so much wild life..we even saw a Moose eating along the banks of the river…saw a Bald Eagle grab a fish right out of the river…), rode 4 wheelers on the sand dunes, saw a cave… I don’t remember what it was called, went to the rodeo…went to Yellowstone and camped out. My boys loved it. We had a blast!

    I guess I am one of the two ;o) who enjoy your posts…lol I’ll be back

    • Thanks Martha,
      You are a sweetie. Rob told me that I should write, so I am trying to. I’m glad that you understand exactly what mountain Rob had me scale. Unless you have seen it, you can’t really understand how big it is!

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